Cleaning & Sanitizing Makeup Brushes

Do you keep your makeup brushes clean and sanitized? It’s super important to ensure the health and safety of your skin by keeping your makeup brushes in tip-top condition – especially if you’re using them on other people. Cleaning and sanitizing your makeup brushes won’t take hours out of your day, but it could make a huge difference to your overall beauty routine.

Don’t panic if this sounds like a daunting task, because I’m here to arm you with all the info you need to know about cleaning and sanitizing your makeup brushes! Keep reading to find out why it’s important, what supplies you need, and how to do it in five easy steps. Plus, I’ll even give you some tips for keeping your brushes good as new.

Materials Needed

It’s essential to have the right tools when cleaning and sanitizing makeup brushes. To make sure you’re ready to do a thorough job, here’s what I suggest you pick up: soap, shampoo, a bowl, and paper towels.

Soap will do the trick for cleaning, but if you want extra disinfection power, I recommend you get some shampoo. For best results, use something gentle with an all natural formulation.

A bowl is necessary for creating a sudsy solution. Fill it with warm water to get your brushes ready to go. And don’t forget the paper towels! These are great for absorbing excess moisture from your brushes after cleaning.

A close-up of a makeup brush being cleaned with a cloth or sponge.

With these materials in hand, you’ll be well equipped for a successful brush-cleaning session.

Steps for Cleaning & Sanitizing Makeup Brushes

If you want your makeup brushes to stay in ship-shape, it’s important to give them a regular deep clean. And don’t worry, it’s not as daunting as it sounds! Here are my top tips for getting the job done quickly and easily.

First up, grab yourself a bowl of lukewarm water and add a dollop of liquid soap or shampoo. Then, swirl each brush around – don’t be too vigorous, just enough to get all the bristles nice and soapy. Next, give it a rinse with clean water. And finally, pat it dry with some paper towel – no need to rub or scrub, just get rid of any excess moisture.

There you have it – simple, easy steps for keeping your brushes clean and pristine. So, make sure you get into the habit of doing this once or twice a month for best results.

Tips for Maintaining Clean & Sanitized Brushes

Gotta keep those makeup brushes clean if you want to look your best! Here are some tricks I’ve learned over the years that make it easy to keep your brushes germ-free and in top condition.

First, be sure to stash them upright in a brush holder or cup. That way any leftover product can’t sink into the bristles and cause bacteria buildup. Plus, it looks pretty stylish.

Second, never use the same brush for multiple products! Always grab a new one when switching from powder to blush or lipstick to concealer. It might seem like a drag but it’s worth the effort if you want to avoid skin breakouts and irritation.

And finally, make sure to wash them regularly with soap and water. This will help clear away dirt and oils, keeping things sparkly and sanitary. Depending on how often you’re using them, try doing this every couple of days or once a week – whatever works for you.

There you have it: my three tips to keep your makeup brushes clean and sanitized. Just remember to store them upright, use different brushes for different products and wash ‘em regularly!


Regularly sanitizing your makeup brushes is critical for keeping a healthy complexion and protecting your skin. It’s worth taking the time to do it properly: a few minutes spent on your beauty brushes now will save you from bigger problems in the future. So don’t be a tightwad – invest in good quality soaps, shampoos and materials, follow the steps outlined above and your brushes will last longer, keep your skin looking gorgeous and you can keep putting your best face forward.

Look after your tools and they’ll look after you! Clean brushes are essential and shouldn’t be taken lightly – if you’re lax in this area, it’ll show on your skin. So be sure to give your brushes a good scrub bi-weekly, hang them out to dry, and store them upright to get the most mileage out of them – it’s worth it!

Cleaning Makeup Brushes FAQ

How do you clean and sanitize brushes?

I’ve been using makeup brushes for years, so I know a thing or two about how to properly clean and sanitize them.

First, never use regular soap or detergent to clean your brushes, as this can break down the fibres, ruining them. Instead, opt for a brush cleaner specifically made for the job. I like to use warm water and a few drops of the cleaner, and then gently swirl the bristles in the mixture.

Next, after rinsing the brush off, give it a quick tap to remove any residual water – this will prevent hardening and rusting.

Lastly, to sanitize, you should use an alcohol-based sanitizer. I like to spritz my brushes with a few drops of the sanitizer and let them air dry. This is a quick and easy way to make sure your brushes are free of bacteria.

So, if you want your makeup brushes to last for years, clean and sanitize them regularly. That’s my little secret!

How do you disinfect makeup brushes without alcohol?

Cleanin’ your makeup brushes can be a real chore, but doin’ it the right way is essential for keepin’ your pretty face lookin’ healthy and free of germs. I’m sure you don’t wanna be bogged down with alcohol and harsh chemicals, so here are my top tips for keepin’ your makeup brushes sanitized without ’em:

First off, always make sure yer brushes are really clean before ya start sanitizin’ ’em. That means washin’ them with a gentle cleanser, then rinsin’ ’em off and leavin’ ’em to dry. Once they’re nice and dry, you can move on to the disinfectin’ part.

My preferred method of disinfection is one that’s been used for centuries: boilin’ the brushes in water. Put ’em in a pot of boilin’ water for about 3 minutes, being careful not to let the bristles get wet. Then, once the bristles are dry, give ’em a good soak in a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts warm water.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s best to replace your makeup brushes every three months or so, since it can be hard to get ’em completely clean, even with this method. Heck, you don’t wanna be the one dealing with a nasty infection ’cause you didn’t switch out your brushes when ya shoulda. So, don’t forget to replace ’em often and you’ll always have clean brushes that help you look your best!

What should you not clean makeup brushes with?

I’ll tell you right away, never clean your makeup brushes with anything other than what the manufacturer recommends – water and a mild soap, or a brush-cleaning solution. You want to avoid anything too harsh, like abrasive chemicals or steam, as these can strip the natural oils off of your brushes and make them less effective. Plus, you certainly don’t want to get any of these on your skin, either.

If you’re using a brush-cleaning solution, make sure it’s specifically designed for makeup brushes and doesn’t contain any harsh ingredients like alcohol. You’ll also want to make sure you rinse the brushes really well after using the solution, so it doesn’t irritate your skin when you use them.

You might be tempted to use oil-based cleaners, like olive oil or coconut oil, but it’s actually not a good idea. Oil-based cleaners can leave residue on the brushes which can clog your pores, and they can also make your makeup look too greasy.

Finally, it’s important to remember to dry your brushes after cleaning them. You can either air-dry them or use a towel. Whichever way you go, make sure you brush the bristles in one direction so they don’t get misshapen. That way you’ll always have your makeup brushes in tip-top shape!

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